Tip Tuesday: Adding Beads to Knit and Crochet

June 26, 2018

Tip Tuesday: Adding Beads to Knit and Crochet-Crafty Flutterby Creations

Add sparkle and drape to your knitting or crochet. These photo tutorials demonstrate how to add beads as you go to both knit and crochet. Watch the video at the end of the post for a video of these techniques and beaded picot bind off. 

For the beading tool used in these tutorials Click Here


Adding beads as you go for both knit and crochet has 3 basic steps:

1. Lift the stitch off the needle/hook.

2. Slide the bead onto the stitch.

3. Place the stitch back on to the needle/hook.


Below are more details and photos of each step.

For knit and crochet patterns with beads Click Here


Adding beads to KNITTING

Step 1 - Use the beading tool to lift hte stich off of the needle. This will loosen the stitch. Don't worry it will get tightened again in the 3rd step.

Adding beads to knitting 1adding beads to knitting 2

Step 2 - Pinch the hook of the tool closed, slide a bead down, and slip the bead down the tool tip onto the stitch.

Adding beads to knitting 3adding beads to knitting 4

adding beads to knitting 5

Step 3 - Use the tool to place the stitch back on the needle and slip the tool out. The bead should rest under the needle. Pull on the working yarn to make it snug against the needle. Note: It does not matter which direction the stitch leans. The bead covers this up.

Adding beads to knitting 6Adding beads to knitting 7

adding beads to knitting 8



Adding beads to CROCHET


Step 1 - Either: Lift the stitch off of the hook with the tool. OR  Loosen the stitch a little, slip the crochet hook out, and hook the stitch with the beading tool. 

Adding beads to crochet 1adding beads to crochet 2

Step 2 - Pinch the hook of the tool closed, slide a bead down, and slip the bead down the tool tip onto the stitch.

adding beads to crochet 3adding beads to crochet 4

Step 3 - Either: Use the tool to place the stitch back on the hook and slip the tool out OR slip the tool out and slip the crochet hook back into the stitch. The bead should rest under the hook. Pull on the working yarn to make it snug against the hook. Crochet the next stitch to secure the bead in place.

adding beads to crochet 5


Thanks for reading this far! Please leave any questions you may have in the comments or let me know what you would like to see on a future tip tuesday blog post!


For the beading tool used in these tutorials Click Here


Without further ado here is the YouTube video tutorial for adding beads. Bonus: it also shows a beaded picot bind off.  Please like and subscribe to my YouTube channel to get notifications when new videos are added.




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